Outdoor Adventuring: Staying Fueled and Hydrated


Contributed by: Sarah (Nourish Volunteer)

Summer is the perfect time to get out and explore our beautiful province!

Whether hiking, camping or just enjoying the outdoors, there are a myriad of activities in every community to help you reconnect with nature. Hike Nova Scotia has the Hiker Challenge - a program to inspire, motivate and reward new and experienced hikers to hike or hike more. For all things camping, Parks Nova Scotia has everything you need to organize your outdoor getaway.

No matter what your plans are, it is important to stay fueled and hydrated, and few things ignite as much joy as “adventure snacks.” Here are some healthy snack ideas to inspire you:

  • Water, Water, Water: Be sure to hydrate before you embark on your next outdoor adventure. Water infused with veggies, fruits and/or herbs is so easy to make and a great way to switch things up. Start by choosing the flavor you want, wash and chop the produce and simply add it to your water. Try adding cucumber slices, frozen berries, slices of orange, lemon or lime and sprinkle in a few mint or basil leaves!

  • Trail Mix: A mix of dried fruit and nuts or seeds is a great energizing snack. Nuts and seeds are high in protein and fat to fill you up and give you lasting energy. Dried fruit, like bananas or raisins, are a good source of quick energy.

  • Fresh Fruits & Veggies: Nothing beats biting into a sweet apple, juicy orange or crunchy carrot stick! Bananas are a great snack for long periods of activity because they are packed with potassium, an electrolyte that is lost in sweat. Remember to bring along a reusable bag or container to throw your cores and peels into when you are all done eating.

  • Stuffed Dates: Try tucking whole almonds into pitted dates... crunchy, sweet and chewy!

  • Nut/Seed Butter & Jelly/Honey Sandwich: Like trail mix, the nut/seed butter provides long-lasting fuel for the day while jelly/honey gives an immediate energy boost.

More Snack-on-the-Go Recipes: