Nut-Free Trail Mix

Nut-Free Trail Mix.jpg

Yield: 6 Servings


1 Cup (250 mL) Grains

½ Cup (125 mL) Dried fruit, unsweetened

½ Cup (125 mL) Seeds

Homemade granola, puffed wheat, puffed millet, low sugar cereal (e.g. toasted Os or wheat squares).

Dried Fruit
Unsweetened dried apple slices, unsweetened banana chips, unsweetened dried cranberries, unsweetened raisins, unsweetened dried mango slices, unsweetened dried pineapple slices.

Hulled sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds.


  1. Follow the ingredient proportions and choose ingredients from each category for a perfect trail mix every time!

  2. Combine all ingredients and enjoy in ¼ cup, or roughly handful size servings.

  3. Store in a cool, dry place.

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