Seasonal Spotlight: Leeks!

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Contributed by: Raashsni (Nourish Volunteer)

This month's vegetable spotlight is Leeks. Leeks are part of the allium group, and they can be found year-round. However, they are known to be classic spring and fall vegetables.

You may find locally grown leeks in your Nourish Your Roots box. In fact, Leek Recipes was the most search term on the Nourish website last Nourish Your Roots campaign!

If you are unfamiliar with leeks be sure to check out these storage, preparation and cooking tips.

Tasting Notes:

Leeks have a delicate flavour with a milder and softer taste than other ingredients in the allium group (e.g., onions, garlic, shallots, and chives). Therefore, they are versatile and can be enjoyed on their own while adding depth to dishes like stews, soups, and pastas.


Here are some of our favourite ways to incorporate leeks:

  • Grill or roast them and enjoy them on their own as a dish or add it to a salad mix.

  • Sauté them and add them to stir-fries, as a topping on homemade pizza, or into an omelet/scrambled eggs.

  • Add them to your Thanksgiving stuffing recipe as they bring out a sweet and oniony flavour.

Picking Your Produce

Leeks can be found in your local Farmers' Markets of Nova Scotia. If you want to grow them on your own, Halifax Seed has a few helpful growing tips.

Try one of our leek recipes below!