Will You Help Us Grow? - Candice’s Story


Everyone in Nova Scotia deserves a healthy food future.

Nourish Nova Scotia works toward this by promoting and supporting food and nutrition programs in partnership with communities and schools, including: Grow Eat Learn Garden Program, Nourish Your Roots Fundraiser, School Healthy Eating Programs, Food and Film Challenge, Nutrition Month™ and many food literacy and cooking initiatives.

A monthly gift is a reliable source of funding to support Nourish Nova Scotia programs, helping children start the day off right, build food knowledge and skills, value local food, and learn in the garden.

Visit the link below to start making an impact today.

“Many kids start their day without the proper nutrition they need to concentrate and learn. As a mom, I was motivated to change this.  I became a monthly donor as a way to invest in the work Nourish does, in a consistent and reliable way.”

~ Candice, monthly donor for five years