Volunteer Spotlight: Katie (Communications Team)

April is Volunteer Month! That’s why we are taking the time to spotlight some of our incredible volunteers and what inspires them to be a part of the Nourish team. This week’s spotlight is all about Katie, a member of our in-house Communications Team and engaged Nourish volunteer for almost two years.

Q: What drew you to get involved with Nourish?

The mission of Nourish really resonated with me. They have a lot of great programs and initiatives, and I was inspired to volunteer and be part of the team.

Q: Do you recall the first time you came to a Nourish event/meeting? What was it and what intrigued you most about it?

It would have been my first Communications Team meeting in September 2020. I remember getting to meet everyone, having some engaging conversations, and discussing goals and actions. It is such a positive environment and great group of people with awesome ideas!

Q: What other volunteer work do you do?

I also volunteer on various committees and Boards across government and others related to my profession. I have volunteered as a coach for my son’s summer soccer program and co-lead various fundraising campaigns (e.g. United Way).

Q: What motivates you to continue to volunteer? What is your favourite part of volunteering?

You get to meet some really great people and contribute to work that may not be typical in your day-to-day responsibilities. It is also a great way to hone your passions and meet other like-minded individuals who you will work with to accomplish great things!

Q: What’s your favourite food or favourite thing to cook?

Indian food is my absolute favourite – both to eat and to cook! When I cook with my kids, our favourite foods are all breakfast and/or dessert related (of course!).