Frozen Cheesecake


Contributed by: Rebecca Sly

Equipment Needed

Food processor/blender

8” spring form pan or muffin pan for individual servings

Cling wrap 



2 Cups (500 mL) Rolled oats

½ Cup (125 mL) Coconut flakes, unsweetened

2 Tbsp (30 mL) Sunflower butter (or any other seed butter) 

Creamy Layer

1 ½ Cups (375 mL) Vanilla Greek yogurt

1 ½ Cups (375 mL) Cottage cheese

2 Cups (500 mL) Frozen strawberries (approximately 12–14 strawberries) 

Fruit Layer

2 Cups (500 mL) Frozen strawberries (approximately 12–14 strawberries))

1 Tbsp (15 mL) Honey

Time-Saving Tip: Try using 1 cup of jam in place of fruit layer ingredients.


  1. Line 8” spring form pan or muffin pan with cling wrap.

  2. Place all of the base ingredients into a food processor; blend until it comes together.

  3. Press the base mixture into the pan evenly, ensuring that it touches all corners of the tin.

  4. Rinse out blender/food processor.

  5. Measure out all of the ingredients for the creamy layer and blend together in a food processor/blender. Spoon the creamy mixture over the base.

  6. Place the pan in the freezer for at least 4 hours, allowing the mixture to set.

  7. When this time has passed, blend the fruit layer ingredients in a food processor/blender. Skip this step if using jam.

  8. Spoon fruit layer or jam on top of the creamy layer.

  9. Return to the freezer for another 2-4 hours until set.

  10. To serve remove from the freezer 5-10 minutes ahead of time or alternatively you can use a warm knife to cut the cake.

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