

Basic Information

  • Potatoes are the world’s fourth most important food staple after wheat, corn, and rice.

  • Potatoes come in many shapes, sizes and colours, including red, white, yellow and purple. There is even a potato variety called Nova Scotia Blue!

  • Potatoes contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, and thiamine. The potato skin contains lots of nutrients, including iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorous, B vitamins, and fibre.

Storage, Preservation, Preparation & Cooking

  • Potatoes are best stored between 4-10°C in a dark, dry, well-ventilated location. New potatoes can be stored in the fridge for a week.

  • Wash potatoes before using them. If they have green spots or begin to sprout, trim and peel those areas before cooking; these spots produce a toxic compound called “solanine” that can be harmful if ingested in large quantities.

  • Potatoes can be enjoyed roasted, baked, mashed or prepared in a salad.

Recipes Using Potatoes