Seasonal Spotlight: Radishes


This quick-growing root vegetable is crisp, crunchy, and a great addition to any salad. You can even eat the greens! Generally, the larger the radish, the spicier the flavour. Radishes are also high in Vitamin C, calcium, and potassium. Grow your own or pick up some at a Nova Scotia Farmers Market near you.

Grow Your Own:

  • Radishes are fast growing! Sow seeds directly outside as soon as the soil can be worked in early spring.

  • Seeds start to germinate 3 to 4 days after planting and radishes can be harvested 3 to 6 weeks later.

  • Radishes are survivors! You can plant, grow, and harvest your radishes in the early spring, late fall, and even winter.

What to Keep in Mind When Choosing Radishes:  

  • Tops should be bright green and not wilted.

  • Roots should be brightly colored and free from cracks and dents.

  • Radishes should not feel hallow or soft.


Did You Know?

  • About seven million tons of radishes are produced every year globally.

  • “The Night of the Radishes” is celebrated on December 23rd in Oaxaca, Mexico and features nativity scenes carved from radishes.

  • The heaviest radish ever grown weighed over 68 pounds and had a circumference of over 46 inches.