Dietitians Help You Find Your Healthy

Nourish prides itself on being a dietitian-founded non-profit organization. Including founders, staff, board members and volunteers we have over ten dietitians within our organization! Isn’t that awesome? We also work with amazing dietitians in the community, health, education and academic sectors across Nova Scotia and Canada. 

Dietitians love food! We mix food knowledge and skills with the science of nutrition to support healthy people, healthy environments and healthy policy. As the trusted choice for reliable food and nutrition advice, dietitians are trained with a university science degree, a hands-on internship experience and can go on with further specialized training. 

In Nova Scotia, dietitians are regulated by the Nova Scotia Dietetic Association. As a licensed health professional, dietitians are responsible to uphold professional standards by ensuring our work is safe, ethical and evidence-based. This means dietitians’ work is regularly monitored, and knowledge and skills must be updated each year through professional development. Did you know that here in NS, the terms Dietitian and Nutritionist are protected by law? That means you must be an accredited professional with a completed dietetic internship and appropriate university degree, have passed the national dietetics exam, and be a current member of the Nova Scotia Dietetic Association! 

Here at Nourish NS, our mission is to help nourish children and youth by promoting and supporting food and nutrition programs in partnership with communities and schools. Thank you to all the awesome dietitians that support our work. Together we are building generations of healthy eaters!

For more information on dietitians visit:

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NewsKayla Thomas