Champion Spotlight - Comedian Jay Malone (Part 2!)


We’re back again with our good friend Jay Malone to find out how the Dragon Book Project is coming along! If you missed our first blog about Jay, catch up here.

What inspired you to write The Dragon Book?

This is a two part answer. A game I play with my children is what inspired the actual story, but the situation happening in my province with youth and food insecurity inspired the idea of creating the book with the intention of the proceeds going toward supporting children in my province.


Tell us how the Dragon Book Project is going! What have you been working on?

To be honest I was hoping to inspire enough support to be able to create the book on a monthly basis with a group of Patrons helping me shape it, but while I’m a good artist and writer, I’m a terrible marketer! So I’ve just decided to plow through and get the book done, hoping that this project, once complete, will inspire others to join me so the books can keep coming.


What are some of the fun things you’ve been sharing with your Patrons?

Another thing I’ve been working on is a series of daily cartoons/videos based on a wisdom quote from a well known Yoga Master. I do a video and cartoon every day. But now that I’m able to get back up on stage and tell jokes, my Patrons will get free digital access to all my shows, streamed live.


How can others get involved to support this work?

It’s so simple! All they have to do is go to and sign up for as little as $1/month. This supports the work and gets them access to all the behind the scenes content as well as my comedy shows. Until then I’m just going to keep going because I know this idea will work and could potentially help out a lot of kids as well as help me establish my own career in a post pandemic world.


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