Farm to Cafeteria Digs in, in Nova Scotia

We are excited to introduce you to Dawn Hare, the Regional Lead for Farm to Cafeteria Canada (F2CC) in Nova Scotia supported through Nourish! Dawn has been involved with Farm to School programming throughout the past 14 years, from research and program development to hands-on food preparation. 

Dawn works as a Coordinator for the Farm to School Snack Program and has been an integral part of the Nourish team as a Volunteer Coordinator and Regional Liaison for Nourish Your Roots. Dawn is an active parent volunteer and co-manages a thriving PTA-run school cafeteria, employing a Red Seal chef for their healthy school lunch program.  

As the Nova Scotia Regional Lead for F2CC, Dawn will be sharing Nova Scotia’s Farm to School stories on a national level, showcasing the amazing school food programming happening across our province and the connections schools have been making to local food. Dawn will also be a point of contact for any schools (K-12) who are interested in learning more about the Farm to School approach or applying for the Farm to School Canada Grants.


  • In partnership with Whole Kids Foundation, F2CC provides schools across Canada with the opportunity to apply for a Farm to School Canada grant to help advance their farm to school programming. Delivered directly to schools, grants are valued at up to $10,000 each and are designed to bring more healthy, local foods into school communities. They support hands-on food literacy, including growing, harvesting and cooking food at school, as well as school meal services such as salad bars that allow students to create their own plates.

    With the uncertainty of what fall 2022 will bring, schools will have the flexibility to adapt their proposed projects to reflect the realities in their school environment. Additional support will be available to help schools make any necessary changes.

    Applications must be submitted using the online form by February 18, 2022, 11:59pm PST.

    Potential grant proposal project goals may include:

    • Establishing a new meal service or enhancing their existing school meal service so that it serves as much healthy, local food as possible

    • Aiming to increase student consumption of healthy, local vegetables and fruit each year

    • Honoring the unique geographical, social and cultural context of the school community

    • Setting local food procurement targets and aiming to increase the amount of local foods procured and served each year

    • Developing and implementing an education strategy to engage students in experiential and classroom learning around growing, harvesting, preparing, serving, and eating healthy, local foods

    1. Review the 2022 Grant Guidelines

    2. Watch the informational webinar (English, Français)

    3. Use the grant application template to prepare your application responses in a draft format

    4. Compile your supporting documents, including a work plan and budget (templates provided)

    5. Complete and submit your application using the online form

      To download templates and submit your application, click here.

    • Outdoor school gardens

    • Field trips to local farms

    • Growing food in classrooms (ex. hydroponics)

    • Equipment and space modifications for lunch program (ex. salad bar unit, outdoor garden materials, etc.)

    • Enhancing salad bar program with a soup bar, wrap bar, sushi bar, etc.

    • Opportunities for student engagement (ex. student chef programs)

    • Celebratory meal service for the whole school


Resources (More Available on F2CC Website)

Learn more about the impact a Farm to School grant can have on school communities: Farm to Cafeteria Canada presents Farm to School: Canada Digs In!