Following Up on Great Big Crunch 2021

Nourish staff and teams crunching together in support of healthy school food

Nourish staff and teams crunching together in support of healthy school food

Alyssa (center) and her classmates from Middleton Regional High School preparing to crunch

Alyssa (center) and her classmates from Middleton Regional High School preparing to crunch

Read our previous blog post about Great Big Crunch: Crunch Your Lunch for Healthy School Food

Did you crunch for healthy school food this past March? We did, and so did thousands of others - 56,414 crunches were registered across Canada, according to the official Great Big Crunch website!

Alyssa Turner, a grade 11 student at Middleton Regional High School, organized a crunch with students and teachers at her school to bring awareness to healthy school food. As a member of the Annapolis Valley Community Health Board, Alyssa recognizes the importance of youth engagement in advocacy and the tremendous impact it can have, especially when it comes to “making noise” for healthy school food.


March might be over, but there are still plenty of ways to be involved!

Visit our #SpeakUp4SchoolFood page to find other ways to support the cause and make your voice heard.