Staff Spotlight: Welcome Iris!

Iris joined the Nourish team in June as our School Community Garden Assistant. Originally from Austin, Texas, Iris has lived in Halifax, Nova Scotia for six years now. Iris loves to cook and bake and has been gardening since 10 years old. Having met some awesome people in gardens, Iris is excited to inspire youth to garden and bring a youthful perspective.

What drew you to get involved with Nourish?  

I am very grateful to Nourish for giving me this opportunity so early in my working life. The variety of activities and initiatives I’ve been able to take part in has been amazing. Gardens have been a part of my life since I was 10 years old, they have shaped the quirky and lettuce obsessed person I’ve become. Nourish helps connect those experiences to food education in a new way. I hope to make gardens and the people who work in them a safe and supportive place for youth to be. 

How do you think youth are helping to influence food systems? 

Healthy food should not be reserved for only those who can afford it. Kids from all backgrounds are thinking about the relationship between how food is grown, what makes food healthy, and providing food for everyone. As a youth, I feel the pressure and anxiety around the future of food accessibility, especially in the context of climate change. It is extremely important to provide the next generation with the tools and knowledge to make impactful changes to our food systems. 

What is your favourite vegetable and why?  

I’ve always disliked celery but recently I learned from my foodie aunt and uncle, who combine their North American and Southeast Asian backgrounds into some amazing food, that slicing celery very finely and mixing it with popped mustard seeds and curry leaves results in a delicious and fresh summer salad.