Healthy at Home

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COVID-19 has had several implications for families all over the province. This may come with several challenges but there are opportunities as well. Now is the chance for families to spend more time with each other - why not in the kitchen? With kids home from school it's the perfect time for teachers and parents to help them develop food literacy skills by trying new recipes like this one, or gardening activities such as this one.

We will be sharing educational and fun activities that your family can try together at home, so be sure to follow along, and scroll down for more activities.

Please share what you’re doing and tag us @NourishNS!




Contests and Other Activities

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Staying Safe

*NEW -COVID-19 Garden Guidelines for Organizers

*NEW - COVID-19 Garden Guidelines for Gardeners

*NEW - Garden Safety Tip Posters (Individual Pages)

*NEW - Garden Safety Tip Poster (all on one poster)

Handwashing “how to” Video

A Handwashing Activity with Cinnamon

Watch COVID-19 Q&A for Kids with Dr. Strang