Meet Nourish Staff Member Nat


We’re back with another Staff Spotlight so that you can get to know our amazing team! Meet staff member and dietitian Nat.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working at Nourish?

Working at Nourish consistently keeps me on my toes; in one day I might be developing a program for an in-person event, drafting funding letters, fine-tuning a resource for educators, and touching in with a partner to collaborate on a project. The Nourish team values critical and collaborative conversation, and I feel like I am in a constant state of learning with and from my incredible colleagues, board, partners, and volunteers. Plus, at the end of the day, we are helping youth feel inspired to eat, enjoy and value food, and obtain the skills they need to care for their well-being and that of their community and the planet—and that is pretty great.

Q: If you could wave a magic wand and have your dream come true, what would your wish be for the food landscape in Nova Scotia?

While I love the idea of having a magic want to immediately create a just and equitable food system for all living and non-living things across Mi’kma’ki, I think that would ultimately fail. Our current food system was built on oppressing the well-being of our most marginalized peoples and the environment — I think we need to deal with those underlying intersectional issues first, otherwise we are building a beautiful home on an unstable foundation. I would love to see our food system rebuild on a basis of Indigenous food sovereignty and land-back principles, in a way that not only encourages but demands cultural and ecological diversity for survival.

Q: What is a fun fact about you that not many people know?

I have a butterscotch-coloured electric Fender ukulele named Phoebe that is my pride and joy! One of my favourite things to do is play unexpected songs on my uke, everything from System of a Down to Jefferson Airplane to Disney princess ballads. It brings me a lot of joy and I love sharing it with others.

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