Champion Spotlight - Comedian Jay Malone


Jay Malone (Rob MacDonald) is an accomplished comedian, actor & writer from Nova Scotia. After reaching out to the Nourish team with an idea to raise money in support of children and youth, he has quickly become a Nourish friend and champion!

We asked Jay/Rob to tell us more about who he is, what he does, and how he is supporting Nourish.

Tell us about yourself! Who is Jay Malone?

Jay Malone is a name I picked up the first time I performed standup comedy at Yuk Yuk's in Toronto. I used ten different names to get on the Amateur show that night and they ended up choosing three. I liked the name Jay Malone best so I went with that and it's been twenty years and I still go by that name! A few years later I moved to LA and lived there for a decade acting in commercials, movies and sitcoms while performing all over. Then I moved back to NS to start a family.


What drew you to Nourish?

The last couple years have been tough and I was looking for a way to help out with some local school food programs because food insecurity particularly among youth has become an even bigger issue during the pandemic. After asking around I was directed to the wonderful people at Nourish NS and once we'd met up online and chatted I knew they were the group I wanted to work with.


Tell us about your new “Dragon Book” project.

The Dragon Book is a children's book I've written and will be illustrating and self publishing in tandem with Nourish NS and as many people as I can attract to the idea! In return for supporting the process of creating this book online, members of "Team Jay" will get access to my Daily Videos, the Dragon Book tutorials, as well as digital access to all my live comedy shows - definitely NOT for the kids! You'll also learn how to create a book of your own & illustrate in photoshop.


Jay Malone and the Nourish Team at “Weeding and Reading” event, École St Catherine’s School Garden

How will this project support Nourish?

100% of the sales of the Dragon Book once finished will be donated to Nourish NS, with more books coming that we'll work on together! But while that process is happening and the book is being created, a process shared with my whole team, 50% of all digital ticket sales for my Comedy Nights will also go to Nourish.


Stay tuned for Part 2 of our interview with Jay Malone, coming in January, where we check in on Jay’s progress creating the Dragon Book.


Visit Jay’s website to learn more:

Join “Team Jay”:

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