Thank you Michelle, Norma & the entire Staples Bedford team!


A warm thank you to Norma, Michelle and the staff & customers at Staples Bedford who fundraised $2598.42 for Nourish! "It all boiled down to breakfast," Norma shared, recounting the story of a student at risk of dropping out until a Schools Plus worker connected them with the schools breakfast program. It's always heart-warming to hear stories like this that show the value and importance of breakfast programs on student health, well being and success.

We're so grateful for the on-going, dedicated support of Staples Bedford through fundraising initiatives like this, as well as through printing/delivering materials for our Nourish Your Roots campaign!

The Holiday season is the perfect time to recognize someone special with a donation in their honour. Your gift to Nourish helps create environments where students can be well-nourished to live, learn and play.  You make a donation and we provide (or send) a card to recognize your favourite relative, teacher, volunteer, co-worker, boss or friend. 

For more about our holiday campaign visit our donation page

News & UpdatesKayla Thomas