Meet Nourish Intern Emma

At Nourish, we believe that in order to inspire every child in Nova Scotia to eat, enjoy and value food that fuels healthier people and a healthier environment, we must first engage and empower youth to become champions that demand better for themselves, their families and their communities. As part of our ongoing commitment to youth voices, we are excited to introduce you to dietetic intern Emma, one such champion who offers a valuable perspective on the importance of youth voices in food.

Learn more about Emma’s involvement in Nourish below.


What drew you to get involved with Nourish?

When I was told about the possibility of completing a portion of my internship with Nourish NS, I was so excited. I knew of Nourish from past school projects and fundraising and have always thought about how great of an organization they were. I feel like we have very similar values when it comes to supporting healthy food environments for children and youth! Additionally, I originally decided to go into nutrition because I had an interest in working in the non-profit sector some day, so having this experience and learning more about the sector was really exciting for me.

Do you think it’s important to include youth voices when talking about food? Why or why not?

I think that without a doubt it is important to include youth voices when talking about food. Youth are the perfect candidates to give opinions on food because they are the upcoming generation, and they want the planet to be thriving when they’re older and for their children. Youth provide new and bright ideas and have a wealth of knowledge to contribute.


What work at Nourish that you have been involved with, are you most proud of?

There have been so many great projects that I have been able to get involved with during my time here. A lot of the projects have ended up coming together to form a larger project, that being Nutrition Month. It has been so great to be able to be involved in this project from brainstorming to actually developing the ideas and resources. This year’s theme is a really important one, so I am proud that I get to be one of the many people behind it. I can’t wait to see it all come together in March – be sure to watch out for our posts about it coming up!

Bonus: When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I really wanted to be a pastry chef for a long time when I was growing up. I loved to bake, and I still do now. I sometimes think about going to pastry school still, just as an added skill I could have. I even have an Instagram account where I post all of the things I bake!