Breakfast Program Volunteer Spotlight

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Meet Debby! Debby (right) is the breakfast program coordinator at Dartmouth South Academy and has been volunteering at the program for 7 years. When asked what the breakfast program means to her she says that when every student has access to a nutritious breakfast they get the best opportunity to learn to the best of their abilities. We could not agree more!

In addition to serving food, she teaches students about it as well, because she believes every child should develop basic cooking skills. She says, “I’m teaching students you can buy local, you can cook nutritious and tasty meals quickly, you can stay on a budget and cook nutritious meals.” Incredible! She also adds that she tries to expose them to food they may not have had before - to help them learn about a variety of foods, and develop a taste for healthy options.

When asked if she could wave a magic wand and have her wish come true what she’d wish for, she said she’d like for more space for the program preparation work and more community volunteers. Integrating community volunteers into the school community is important to her. Lastly she wishes for a national school food program.

We’re with you Debby! And we’re so proud of all the hard work you put into creating a healthy food environment at Dartmouth South Academy.

Dedicated volunteers like Debby are essential for helping cultivate generations of healthy eaters.

Are you interested in helping with a breakfast program? Visit to see which schools in your area could use your help today.